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Begin Your VAT Reclaim

To instruct us to act on your behalf and reclaim eligible VAT please complete the form below and press the 'submit application' button. You will then be directed to a confirmation page.

If you prefer to send your application by post or email please download our Instruction to act form here

Instruction To Act Form - New Build

Click on the information icon next to the relevant question to view notes which may be helpful. 

  Applicant Details  

  Proof Of Eligibility  

Is the property that you’ve built or currently building a new build? By new build we mean a building that has been constructed from scratch which does not incorporate any part of an existing building
Is your claim for the fit out and finish of a building shell?

If you have answered 'No' to both the above questions then you are not eligible to reclaim. Please contact us to see if you are eligible to claim for a conversion. 

Has Planning Permission been granted for your new build?
Do the terms of your Planning Permission (or similar permission) prevent the separate disposal, or separate use, of the new building from any other pre-existing building?
Are you intending to live in the property you’re claiming for?


Inclusive Fixed Fee - £395

Once we receive your Instruction to Act form if it is apparent that you are not eligible for a VAT reclaim due to the answers given in the form above we will refund any payment made in full.

After you submit the form we will send you a welcome pack which will detail all the required documentation we need before submitting your application to HMRC. ​

Required documents will include:


+ All original invoices & credit notes for which you are claiming a VAT refund. 

+ A copy of the Full Planning Permission or Outline Planning Permission & The Approval of Reserved Matters.

+ A Set of Full Approved Building Plans


+ Proof of Completion


Once you receive your proof of completion we have 6 months to submit your claim. The sooner we start the process the sooner we can get you your refund. 

White colored bedroom
A wood and white kitchen
A concrete designed bathroom

Begin your VAT reclaim process with
Claim It Back VAT Refunds. 

© 2024 by Claim It Back VAT Refunds.                      Privacy Policy

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